
Too many arguments for method map spark
Too many arguments for method map spark

Val orderItems = sc.textFile("/public/retail_db/order_items")

too many arguments for method map spark

Val orders = sc.textFile("/public/retail_db/orders") Thank you for your reply, but where am I missing in my script? I just refactored my script here: Val dailyRevenuePerProdId = productsJoin. Val productsJoin = productsMap.join(ordersJoinMap) Val ordersJoin = orderMap.join(order_itemsMap) Val order_itemsData = sc.textFile("/user/varunu28/retail_db/order_items") Val ordersData = sc.textFile("/user/varunu28/retail_db/orders")


Here is the complete code val productData = sc.textFile("/user/varunu28/retail_db/products") I tried doing a sort in descending order based on the revenue and it came out fine.

too many arguments for method map spark

It is not able to able to map directly so try doing dailyRevenuePerProductId.take(10).sortBy(rec => rec._1._2).foreach(println) Thank you very would have to make a change while giving the key to sortBy function. I understand this can be achieved by using sortWith but just want to know why sortBy throws error to me. It seems the false option is also available. I checked the doc for spark 1.6.2 which is the lab version: Is this caused by different Spark version? the false option is available according to this doc: :44: error: too many arguments for method sortBy: (f: (((String, Int), Float)) => B)(implicit ord: )Array Now I want to sort in descending, so I added “.false” in the sortBy:ĭailyRevenuePerProductId.take(10).sortBy(_._2,false).foreach(println)

too many arguments for method map spark


Too many arguments for method map spark